Apps on User Devices

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Full Title or Meme

This design pattern focuses on ways to get computing power and security into the devices that are in the user's hands.


  • A world where the computing device in the user's hand is more powerful than supercomputers of the past generation.

Use Case

  • Preconditions: The user is given the legal right to acquire their own health records with the 21st Center Cures Act and regulations.
  • Regulation: Requires that Electronic Health Records (EHR) for the user may (subject to limitations) be downloaded into user apps from certified developers.
  • Use Case: This is one approach to meeting this regulation.
  • Specifications: The current state is that the CARIN alliance has published a Code of Conduct for user apps.
  • Service Assessment Criteria: Proposed work item pending funding.
  • Certification document for Apps: Draft now available at
  • Proof of Presence of user and app: Proposed work item pending funding.
  • Trust Registry that can verify app certification and presence: Proposed work item pending funding.

App Categories

As of 2020-10 there are two categories of app that are proposed for user by users:

Native Apps

  • These have been available at the dawn of the smart phone. The apps are constructed in an interpreted language (like java or .NET) on the "native" (really interpreted) environment of the device.

Web Apps

  • Also known as Progressive Web Apps, these are being aggressively advance by the browser vendors in the blink (chromium + webkit) environment.
