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Full Title or Meme

A family of standards[1] for adding more factors to an existing interchange.


This spec is partially succeeded by Web Authentication.


Existing Authentication protocols based on a User Name and Password are insufficient in a world were so many Users depend on the internet for so much of their daily lives. The first attempt at Multi-factor Authentication was Smart Cards using X.509 Certificates. This scheme worked for large Enterprises but was never accepted by regular Consumers of the internet.


  • All solutions depend on Late Binding Tokens that "account at a particular origin (of the Relying Party, such as the device creates a new key pairusable only at that origin and gives the origin the public key to associate with the account."
  • Universal Serial Bus (USB) tokens are now widely available, most allow late binding of the user to the Web Site that requires this factor of Authentication.
  • Other networks, link NFC or Bluetooth are offered for small hand-held devices, but have not been as successful as the USB versions.

"Why Johnny Doesn’t Use Two Factor: A Two-Phase Usability Study of the FIDO U2F Security Key"


  • FIDO Index of /specs/