Notice-centric ID

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Full Title or Meme

The problem of giving notice to Subjects about issues is addressed before the user is asked to provide any personal information.


  • The assumption on this page is that the user is trying to establish a long-term association with a web site to the mutual benefit of both and that notice, in some form, is required.
  • It has become obvious that traditional methods of establishing identity have been focused on an Identifier Provider (IdP). This has created privacy and user tracking problems that have been difficult to mitigate. The most common method in 2020 is OpenID Connect using one of the social media sites like FaceBook or Google.


  • User Identity is immediately obvious from any social IDs. For example in Facebook there is a a requirement to like any Facebook ID to a real person.
  • OpenID Connect understood this problem from the start and included section 7 for Self-issued Identifiers. Unfortunately the browser environment made thiis solution untenable and so it has never (by 2020) been successfully deployed outside of closed networks with multiple IdPs.


  • This proposed method for a web site to comply with Notice regulations is to create a Notice-centric ID. In this type of Identifier the issued to be addressed before the user is asked for personal data is for the notice channel to be established.


  • See the wiki page on User Consent which is a structure that tells the user what data is held. This receipt is the first effort at providing Open Notice capabilities to users.