Intelligent Agent
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One way to increase a human's presence in a digital ecosystem is to create a always present agent with a persistent web connection that is intelligent enough to carry out interactions with others on the web that may, or may not, interact by way of their own Intelligent Agent. Here we discussed a single agent, but there are reasons for a human to have more than one persona; each with strikingly different behaviors, for example work and home.
Since the Intelligent Agent will need to represent your position when you are not present, or perhaps no longer alive, it will need to acquire some level of permission to act on your behalf. One reason to limit yourself to on persona would be to avoid competing with yourself for some asset.
This discussion does address Artificial Intelligence with its own personally and agency independent of any one human. However, one possible instantiation is one Intelligent Agent that can be monitored by one person at a time, for example a car that can be the agent of its current driver.
- In 2023 the current Artificial Intelligence apps were all monstrous cloud based systems with no individual identity. Perhaps in the near future we will see more of that in our desktop computers.