Public Key Cryptography

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Make it possible to remote prove your Identity or perform private Information Sharing without the need to share secret values.


Public key cryptography relies on certain mathematical problems that are very hard to solve, such as factoring large numbers that are the product of large prime numbers or finding the discrete logarithm of a random elliptic curve element with respect to a publicly known base point. If you know the private key components, you can sign the document or decrypt the data. If you don't have the private key and cannot solve the math, you cannot sign the document or decrypt the data.


  • Find an asymmetric mathematical algorithm that is easy if you have the private key, but statistically impossible if you do not.
  • Existing cryptographic algorithms, like RSA or Elliptic Curve, work well today with compute power available to all.
  • Successful quantum computing creates an existential threat to existing algorithms since they are know susceptible.


  1. Find new asymmetric mathematical algorithm that is not susceptible to cracking with quantum computing.
  2. Revert to secret key algorithms which appear to be immune to cracking with quantum computing.

"Report on Post-Quantum Cryptography"
