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Full Title or Meme


  • Truth has been the subject of Epistemology and philosophers for thousands of years.
  • The original Western Philosophical traditions starting with Thales looked for Truth from the natural philosophy of reality.
  • By the time of Plato the search for truth had turned into the anthropomorphic search for human knowledge. A very different subject.


  • Tim Rice captured the heart of the problem in Jesus Christ Superstar:
 I look for truth, and find that I get damned
 But what is truth? Is truth unchanging law?
 We both have truths - are mine the same as yours?


  1. Go back to the original Greek philosophers and seek Information that is in concert with reality irrespective of any human endeavor.
  2. Focus on Information and not on human knowledge.
  3. For Identity Proofing the best source of Truth is reporting Information on the processes that where used to build Assurance.