AI for Quantum Physics

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Artificial intelligence and machine learning can help solve challenging problems in quantum mechanics and quantum information. Here are some web search result:

  • AI Designs Quantum Physics Experiments beyond What Any Human Has Conceived: This article from Scientific American describes how a machine-learning algorithm called MELVIN discovered new ways to create complex entangled states of photons, which are essential for quantum communication and computation. MELVIN was able to find solutions that humans had not conceived before, and that could be tested experimentally.[1]
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Quantum Technologies: This is a research paper by Mario Krenn and his colleagues, who are the creators of MELVIN and other AI systems for quantum physics. They review how machine learning and artificial intelligence can be used to analyze quantum measurements, estimate the parameters of quantum devices, discover new quantum experimental setups, protocols, and feedback strategies, and generally improve aspects of quantum computing, quantum communication, and quantum simulation.[2]
  • Quantum Computing and AI: A Transformational Match: This is a blog post that summarizes some of the applications of quantum AI, which is the use of quantum computing for computation of machine learning algorithms. The post mentions how quantum AI can enhance areas such as natural language processing, computer vision, optimization, cryptography, drug discovery, and more.[3]
  • Artificial intelligence reduces a 100,000-equation quantum physics problem to just four equations: This is a news article that reports on a recent breakthrough by physicists from the University of California, Berkeley, who used artificial intelligence to compress a daunting quantum problem that until now required 100,000 equations into a bite-size task of as few as four equations. The problem involved calculating the energy levels of electrons in atoms with many protons, which is important for understanding the properties of materials.[4]
  • Time crystal in a quantum computer: This is another news article that announces the creation of a time crystal using Google’s Sycamore quantum computing hardware. A time crystal is a new phase of matter that breaks the symmetry of time and exhibits perpetual motion without any external input. The article explains how the researchers from Stanford University, Google Quantum AI, the Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems and Oxford University achieved this feat using a novel protocol that involved periodically flipping the qubits in the quantum computer.[5]
  • See the wiki page Information Symmetry

