Fenced Frames

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Full Title or Meme

The replacement for iFrames in a browser without Third Party Cookies.

Blink Project

The fenced frames and shared storage specs will be updated with these changes.



Summary and Motivation

There are situations in which it is helpful to decorate a third-party widget with cross-site information about the user, such as a personalized payment button that displays credit card information to give the user confidence that the payment flow will be smooth, or a personalized sign-in button. These sorts of use cases will be broken by third-party cookie deprecation (3PCD).

Fenced frames are a natural fit for such use cases, as they allow for frames with cross-site data to be composed within a page of another partition. The idea proposed here is to allow fenced frames to have access to the cross-site data stored for the given origin within shared storage. In other words, the payment site would add the user’s payment data to shared storage when the user visits the payment site, and then read it in third-party fenced frames to decorate their payment button.

To prevent the fenced frame from leaking the user’s shared storage data out (to the embedder or to servers via network) we’re requiring that fenced frames first disable all untrusted network communications before accessing shared storage.

The motivation for this variant of fenced frames are customized payment buttons for third-party payment service providers (as discussed in this issue) but this proposal is not intended to be restricted to payments. Any form of third-party UX that wishes to show personalized information to a user, without leaking that information to the embedder, could use it.

Initial public proposal

