From MgmtWiki
Full Title or Meme
For the purposes of this wiki, a Resource is:
- access to some physical or digital capability or venue that is restricted to eligible users,
- that part of a Web Site that provides access to service or content on the internet.
- While resource can be real-world Entities, in this wiki it will be assumed by default that they are digiial.
- Resources are something typically need to be protecting with Authentication by a Identifier or Attribute Provider - either identity data of your users, or APIs.
- Every resource has a unique name - and clients use this name to specify to which resources they want to get access to.
- The Resource will typically use User Information (aka claims) about a user (name, email address, etc.) to enable Persistence, Recovery and Redress for the user.
- API resources represent functionality a client wants to invoke - typically modelled as Web APIs, but not necessarily.
- The Resource may require a great deal of protection for a variety of reasons which causes the Web Site to require Authentication with strong Assurance. At the same time the Web Site is under increasing pressure to maintain the Privacy and Security of the User Information.
- Resources may have names or Identifiers, on the internet that would be the URI.
- Resources will have locations, on the internet that would be a URL.