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Full Title or Meme

Security Assertion Markup Language is a collection of standards used in Identifier Management


There are two terms that SAML defined that defy logical analysis but have propagated misunderstanding to this day.

  • Identity - the use in SAML lead to a conflation of the idea of a digital Identifier with a person's identity which it is surely is not.
  • Claim - as defined in SAML the term is not problematic, but is use in Microsoft implementations has lead it to be conflated with Attribute.


  • The "Golden SAML" is caused by the creation of an Identifier token that allowed access across multiple applications.[1] "A federation enables trust between different environments otherwise not related, like Microsoft AD, Azure, AWS and many others. This trust allows a user in an AD, for example, to be able to enjoy Single Sign-On (SSO) benefits to all the trusted environments in such federation."


  1. Shaked Reiner, Golden SAML: Newly Discovered Attack Technique Forges Authentication to Cloud Apps CyberArk (2017-11-21)