User Choice with User Protection
Full Title or Meme
It's difficult to give users choice without compromising the protections that they expect.
There is a current meme flowing around the web that consumers want to make highly detailed evaluations of the specific data that they want to share with websites that ask for that data. This view is far beyond wrong, it is ludicrous. Somehow users expect to be protected as they are being entertained.
So, how can we develop such a place where users can feel safe and yet risk being curious. This presentation makes the case that this is only possible with applications on their network connected devices that can cater to their interests while verifying the paths that they take. Some will call this Censorship. But the users will call it "about time".
Of course the operating systems and browser providers have staked out this space for themselves. Is there anything to be done to give the ecosystem more diversity? Without diversity, we really have very little choice and the ecosystem will not evolve anymore but rather will becom more subject to violent disruptions. This paper will discuss ways to provide security for these user facing apps while leaving the value propositions up to the entrepreneurs.
For this better, safer digital ecosystem to become reality, the must be some standard way for consumers and providers to both know enough to feel secure without spread all of our life history becoming Available to anyone with access to an AI chatbot. If these methods are not standardized, the digital megaliths will control it all.
Lets start with some user-centric goals:
- All users that are entitled to use the resources that are available on a (digital or real) location will be enabled to easily determine how to access those resources.