Wallet Chooser

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Wallet Chooser The basic concept is that no wallet will live alone on a user’s device. The corollary to that is that successful wallets will need to learn to live in a multi-wallet environment. For this to succeed there needs to be a way for a verifier to send a query to a user device with the identifier and purpose of the verifier so that the Wallet Chooser can send the query to the most likely wallet (or wallets) to get the content that the user choses to release and then forward that to the verifier. The proposal is for a Wallet Chooser that will accept a request that can be (at least partially) fulfilled by the CA mDL. This code will live on the user’s device as a native application. The second component will be an app running on a verifier device that can send and receive the query. A sample query language will be needed. The following is an example of such a language.


The following is an example of a Wallet that can address these issues as well as the problem of surviving the churn on technology over the years that the CA mDL must continue to be effective.


Several possible partners have been involved, but were unable to participate in the CA mDL hackathon. It is hoped that there will be other proposals to the CA DMV that this idea can be included for a working solution. Proposed by Tom Jones peace@acm.org 2024-08-08