Mobile Credential

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Full Title or Meme

This topic is broadly applicable to any User Private Information that a User needs to carry with themselves in digital format on a computing device. It does not include Smart Cards.

Mobile Storage Types

  1. Data held entirely within the mobile operating system.
  2. Data held entirely within the applications provided with the operating system.
  3. Data held entirely with the control of an application from an approved app store that is subject to app store rules and may be removed by the o/s at any time.
  4. Data held by any other application.

App Source Use Cases

  1. App is in the o/s when installed.
  2. App is required or otherwise supported by the Issuer.
  3. App is installed by user choice.


The context is Direct Presentation of verifiable information that is held in digital form in the possession of the user at most times.
