Native App
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A digital Entity that is operating on a User Device, but is typically supplied by the Web Site or some Federation.
- When discussing the use of the internet by a user, what is really meant is the presence of the user's agent on an internet connection.
- Typically the Native App will run on a User Device in the user's physical possession, but it is possible that the agent is running on a service in The Cloud.
- The Native App may act like a browser and supply an HTTP user agent string, but it should not be considered to be a User Agent.
- Nearly any application running on a user's device is allowed to access the internet and claim that it represents the user. There is no built-in mechanism to test this assertion by an internet connected service. The internet was designed to connect computer systems, and that is all it can be relied upon to do.
- Any Web Site that wishes to create a Persistent Identifier for a User will need to take responsibility for any necessary Assurance that the Native App has not been compromised by an attacker.
- Most of the larger enterprises operating on The Web prefer to supply a Native App to the users device to improve the User Experience for that site.
- To be sure that the User's intent is expressed by the Native App appears to be an insurmountable obstacle.
- Certification of the Native App please refer to page Native App Security.
- The Native App should perform all Authentication of the user by way of a browser (User Agent) selected by the user and running on the user's device using a trusted Identifier or Attribute Provider.
- Native App Security
- Native App Privacy
- IETF RFC 8252 OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps
- Apple App Store Review Guidelines